Saturday, November 1, 2008

Obama's aunt is a NEGRO

I guess it's time to introduce my dear friend; MAXX POWER. He has agreed to contribute some articles for my blog. Maxx is my dearest Republican friend. I don't want to be bias or anything so I thought it would be nice to represent what the extreme right thinks. Maxx sent me this late last night:

BREAKING NEWS: Obama has a BLACK(!!OMG!!!) Aunt living in the US illegally. It's also rumored that Obama in fact spend time with her in Keyna learning the ways of voodoo while listening to an awful lot of African (BLACK OMG!) tribal music. My sources tell me this is where he met, and fell in love, with Osama Bin Laden. If he wins Tuesday he will make gay marriage legal, divorce Michelle, and re-unite with his long lost lover. (who has been living with his Aunt illegally in the US)

--Maxx Power.

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