Thursday, October 30, 2008


I'm thinking since I am going to be stuck in a hotel room most of next week I might checkout the HellaNZB source code and try to close a few active tickets for .14 I'm not much of a coder but Python is pretty damn easy. Specifically I want 7zip support and multiple growl clients. Someone already did most of the work on growl -- it just needs a couple things fixed apparently.

I also want to see how feasible it is to automatically connect hellanzb with ffmpeg. There is already post-processing support for audio so I can pretty much use the same idea. I just need to account for:

1) Known video file extensions
2) Look inside the video cointainer to find out what type of video it is
3) parse hellanzb.conf for encoder settings
4) start encoding process & send growl notification
5) check to see if the original file should be deleted
6) send final growl notification

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